Monday, January 30, 2012

Helllo Blog Land

Due to my love of all things crafty, I've been following several (the list grows everyday) crafty bloggers - and thought, I should do that.  Well years later here I am.  There's nothing I like better than to grab my warm beverage and to sit and check in with all my blog friends to see what's new.  Although some of them are slightly one sided relationships........  I like seeing what's new out there, who's created what and with what.  And what plain household item has been changed into something extraordinary.....and I hope I have it so I can try it too.
Although in my world this time a year is a little slower.  I could / should start getting my inventory ready for next year's craft sale season, but it's a little hard to think that far ahead.  So here's a little peak at what my tables looked like this year.

Thanks for looking!